I’m super excited about participating in my first Simblreen as more than a Trick or Treater. I’m super nervous too!! So trying to get the artwork ready for the big days, I had my simself and simdog Emma clean my apartment porch…. look, I have to stop here. I made part of my apartment complex, it’s cool right?
…and then, I decorated for Simblreen. Also took some test shots so that I can create my porch light posts for next weekend. If you’re a Simr but are not on Tumblr, I’ll be sharing my treats here on my website starting October 23rd, with an update on the 30th.
Also, I’ll be posting my treats to Mod The Sims, I’ve chosen Mod The Sims as my delivery network for recolors. The have a great up-time record and I’ve been a member for about 15 years, I figured giving back to a community that’s given me so much great content was the right fit for me. My profile at Mod The Sims is ImSuanne.